Cycling tour leader training



Within the framework of the project BIKE UP! Two Wheels Across the Border!, identification number FMP-E / 1801 / 1.1 / 017, a 80-hour secondary, bronze-marked cycling tour course was organized by the Vidék Kincse Egyesület and the Pedagógus Természetbarát Egyesület. The aim of the cycling tour guide training was to provide professional assistance in acquiring the competencies and knowledge necessary for tour guiding. With the participation of professional lecturers, we provided an opportunity to expand the theoretical knowledge of hikers and tour guides in the field of training, which will be applicable in the future when organizing and conducting bicycle tours. After successfully passing the exams, the participants were included in the registered tour guides of the Magyar Természetjáró Szövetség, the course was held in accordance with the MTSZ education and training regulations, closely related to its topics and qualification system. After successfully passing the theoretical and practical exams, the training ended on November 9, 2019 with the issuance of exam certificates, which was completed by 20 people.